Companies looking for office spaces that are a little flexible and unique may well settle on loft office space. In recent times, office lofts have ascended to popularity in major cities, including the hottest business districts. Locating suitable loft space may present its challenge, even if one may be well-versed with the commercial real estate.

One may ask; what exactly is loft office space? Well, this is just an office space located in a loft-style setting. Loft spaces are repurposed after being used as a warehouse or other commercial or industrial purposes. Some common characteristics of loft office space include:
Exposed Elements
Unlike the traditional office space, which normally comprise bland, white walls and cubicle rows, loft office spaces typically exhibit the exposed elements of the structure’s underlying architecture. It is therefore not uncommon to notice the exposed brick walls and beams, ducts and even rafters.

Cavernous space
Loft office space is typically wide open and exceptionally huge. Their interior walls are absent or rather used at an absolute minimum, leaving everything open and airy.
Huge Windows
Loft office spaces are also characterized by huge windows, with floor-to-ceiling windows being very popular, but other styles may also be incorporated. Combining these windows with the open and airy interior brings in a lot of natural light, which is vital in making the premises feel more spacious.

Benefits Of Choosing Loft Office Space For Your Company
Apart from the mere aesthetics that come with loft office spaces, are there any other benefits that can accrue to a corporation by using loft office spaces? Honestly, most companies go for loft office spaces for their aesthetic value. They look simple and bring in a special ambiance to the workspace. For most TAMI companies, the loft setting suits their nature of business and operations.
Different companies may have various reasons for choosing loft office spaces. Companies that rely on collaboration benefit from the design of loft spaces since they utilize the wide open space the lofts. Businesses with unique office layout requirements may rely on loft spaces for flexibility in the various departments.
Running a creative business that caters for specific demographics may require you to occupy loft office space that could come with pretty significant benefits for the business. Whenever clients discover that you run your business out of a unique workspace, the company’s esteem is strengthened, and its reputation also grows.
Most creative think that they are more productive and believe that they are usually in a better position to think of better ideas whenever they work in less confined spaces.
Cost Of Leasing Loft Office Spa

In most business districts, loft space offices are priced almost the same as other types of office space. Overall, the quality of the workspace and its location determine the amount you will pay for it. For Class A loft office spaces in Brooklyn, you are likely to pay $45-$60 per square foot. The price for Class B loft office spaces in Brooklyn is averagely $30-$40 per square foot.
And lastly for Class C loft office spaces you are looking at $20-$30 a foot. Those are very hard to come by due to their low price point, very low inventory and the very high demand.
Loft office spaces are roomier and tend to be pricey on that regard.
Setting up your company in a loft office space may offer your employees that extra space that could be important for creative thinking. Further, these spaces make the office space feel a little roomier due to the different designs used, such as floor-to-ceiling windows. Choosing loft buildings also goes well with creative, which could help propel your business by appealing to clients, especially those who love creative designs.
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